26 Americans Still Believe in Higher Ed’s Public Good
Private Colleges in Peril (Education Next)
Six Forces Disrupting Higher Education (New Geography)
“The University We Need” Review: Rethinking College (Wall Street Journal)
Americans Still Believe in Higher Ed’s “Public Good” (Inside Higher Ed)
Further Reading
Not Everyone Should Go to College (Wall Street Journal)
It’s Time to End College Majors as We Know Them (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Bryan Caplan and Nassim Nicholas Taleb on What’s Missing in Education (Mercatus Center)
Joint Statement with AAC&U on the Liberal Arts (AAUP)
The Future of Free College (Manhattan Institute Commentary)
How the Great Recession Changed Higher Education Forever (Washington Post)
Crossing Borders: How 10 Universities Are Forging New Ties in the Americas (Washington Post)
What Do Top Colleges Have Against Transfer Students? (Washington Post)
The Future of College Education: Students For Life, Computer Advisers and Campuses Everywhere
(Washington Post)
Scott Cowen Led Tulane Through the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Now He Has Ideas on How to Fix
Higher Education (Washington Post)
A Worrisome Trend for Higher Education: Declining Enrollments (James G. Martin Center)
Questions Swirl as Earlham College’s President Will Leave Just a Year (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Why Is College in America So Expensive? (The Atlantic)