Student Achievement Hit a Wall


The Nation’s Report Card: 2015 Mathematics and Reading Assessments (Nation’s Report Card)

2015 Nation’s Report Card Reveals Majority of High School Seniors Aren’t College Ready
(Education World)

The Cost of Remediation (Inside Higher Ed)

High School Graduation Rate Hits All-Time High; 82 Percent Finish On Time (Washington Post)

U.S. High School Seniors Slip In Math and Show No Improvement in Reading (Washington Post)

On the Verge: Costs and Tradeoffs Facing Community College Students
(The Institute for College Access & Success)

Report: Financial Struggles in Community College Go Beyond Tuition (Education News)


Further Reading

Most High School Seniors Aren’t College or Career Ready (NPR Ed)

What Can Stop Kids From Dropping Out (New York Times)

Taking High School Courses In College Costs Students and Families Nearly $1.5 Billion (NPR Ed)

U.S. High School Seniors Slip In Math and Show No Improvement In Reading (Washington Post)

Guess Who’s Taking Remedial Classes? (New York Times)

The College Remediation Hoax (Diane Ravitch blog)

NCAA Blocks 23 Teams From Postseason Play for Poor Academic Performance
(Chronicle of Higher Education)

Testing College Readiness (Education Next)

Program to Offer High School Students Grants for College Classes (Wall Street Journal)

44 Colleges to Participate in Pell Grant Dual-Enrollment Experiment (Morning Education)